Rock the Classroom:Classroom Management & Behavior Strategies for English Learners
Rules, discipline, consequences...oh my! Managing today’s English Language Learner (ELL) classroom can be intimidating. Whether online or in-person, connecting with ELL students begins with understanding them. In this course, participants gather a deeper insight into student behavior and learn how best to positively manage it. You’ll build the foundation for a successful classroom management strategy with tools like social and emotional learning, behavior principles, and student-led learning for language learners. You won’t just learn what works, you’ll know WHY it works. Whether you’re a veteran ELL educator in search of new ideas or brand new to the ELL classroom, we’re confident you’ll find this course a treasure trove of ideas full of game-changing information that will have you declaring, “I’m ROCKing this ELL Classroom!”
This course is 6 hours credit and we recommend it for the 6 hours GT maintenance credit; however, you do not need to be GT certified (or event teach GT students) to learn and benefit from this course.