Flexible, Convenient Learning Environment
Authentic, cohesive paths for self-guided learning that  happen any time, any place, at any pace
Practical, Applicable Learning Experience
Current learning topics you can implement today designed by  experts in education technology
Interactive, Engaging
Learning Content
The catalog of courses provides a learner-focused experience through a variety of engaging modalities
Affordable PD for
Credit Hours
Affordable pricing, bulk discounts, and flexible payment methods (including POs) are available

Why Are friEdOnline Courses So Special?

User-Friendly Interface
friEdOnline is EASY TO NAVIGATE and offers a networking friEdCommunity portal along with in-course discussion opportunities. AND your learning doesn’t end when your course does! It is easy to locate and download all of your awards and certificates under your profile. You can even take notes as you learn and they will be collected in your friEd Resources folder for you to access and review later.
Variety of Learning Approaches
Our highly engaging, relevant content is written by EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS. Our SELF-PACED courses are unlike so many others out there and include step-by-step annotated screen captures, video experiences, entertaining videos, interactive knowledge checks, interactive step-by-step demos, GIFs, downloadable resources, and so much more!
Advanced Features
Advanced REPORTING is available for district purchases. Reporting can range from individual user progress to group completion details.
Synchronous Options
Some facilitated online learning experiences offer live and recorded presentations.

Who Should Take Our Courses?

Educators of all Content & Experience  LEVELS
Instructional Coaches and Support Staff
Campus Administrators and All Leaders
Anyone wanting to learn about techie tools

Explore Our Courses

We have a quickly growing, diverse catalog of online courses ranging from 1 hour to 12 hours credit. Our hands-on, resource-rich courses range from preparing teachers for the Google Certified Educator exam to strategies on how to move beyond the traditional learning environment and into a digital, blended space that addresses the needs of all student learners.
To get a feel for why our courses are so uniquely spectacular, register now for our free FigJam Design Lab and see snippets from our other courses in the free friEdOnline Course Sampler

Meet the Team

Meet the people behind friEdOnline and learn how they got here.

Who is friEdTech?

At friEdTech, we provide a bridge between your vision for the future of education and the skills needed to make that vision a reality.

Whether your school is getting its first student devices or you’re going 1:1, we’re here to make sure that what happens with those devices is what your community envisions. After all, without proper professional development, the only thing that goes up when you implement technology is the light bill.

friEdTech is a Google & Microsoft for Education partner that provides technology integration staff development, online and face to face. Technology Integration is the connection between the content your students are learning and the technology systems and equipment available for that learning. friEdTechnology connects your teachers to pedagogical practices that leverage the technology you are implementing.
friEdTechnology uses a cadre of certified educators including former district Educational Technologists, Technology Directors, teachers, and other educators. Our trainers are experienced educators and hold industry certifications in Google and Microsoft as well as teaching and administrative certifications.